Monday, April 24, 2017

Contemporary Reblog: Teatre Principal

Reblog of:

This post really relates to our museum identity assignment. It really illustrates the advertisement portion of the assignment can applied as far as posters, book and bags can be made with the same united identity while still constraining to the design ID rules for this particular entity.

For me this is a fasinating approach. I mean we spoke briefly about Paula Scher and how she created an ID of text of varying horizontal/vertical text directions. This ID takes the text and slices it in half, showing just enough so people can identify what it says while still being cleverly masked. Normally the slicing the text in half is a little risky but the design group seems to have found the right midpoint to make it work. I doubt I would want to use this approach myself but I appreciate the work done to make it. Thus I find this post fasinating and certainly this would have been a nice resource for that previous assignment.

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