Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Contemporary Reblog: David Mach

Reblog of: David Mach is live streaming the installation of his latest epic newspaper sculpture

This article detailed the latest large scale sculpture by Turner Prize-nominated artist David Mach to be displayed at Griffin Gallery. The amazing aspect of the sculpture, in addition to the scale, is the material: 20 tonnes of newspaper. That is just amazing to me.

I think design wise this post connects to our class because this installation piece takes different elements and combines them for effect. Just as we combine photographs/drawing/graphics with text to make logos or posters, David Mach takes both large scale objects (like the shells of cars) with small objects (like coat racks) and combines with his large, shifting newspaper forms.

Like our designs, David Mach must keep in mind the environment his piece is going to be placed. He has two worry about how it looks and how it can be interpreted and also how it interacts with the environment. 

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