Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Contemporary Reblog: Nejc Prah

Reblog of: http://www.grainedit.com/2017/05/01/nejc-prah/

This particular post is focused on explaining the graphic design work of Slovenian Nejc Parah who is based in New York. I think his work is really quite fasinating. He blends photographic with strange (almost vector-like) shapes that have multiple angles and curves and points. His work plays with dimension and 3d effects. Everything about his work defies the normal design rules. He creates pictographic titles uses shapes to create words and what normal text he does use is skewed, slanted, wavy, and otherwise twisted rather than a traditional layout. Even if the publication or organization he is designing for already has a design identity he seems to throw them out the window in favor of his own (somewhat ordered) chaos.

We are always talking about pushing the envelope or doing things which others don't. I can't say I did all that many unusual things in this particular class design wise, but I do think this artist is extremely relevant to the museum ID project. I mean we had to design event posters for specific artists and the below image is a great example of what someone could have done if they had to create an event poster for the Yale MFA art gallery:
If you look at the art gallery you immediately notice the use of Helvetica or san-serif typeface as part of the museum identity. Nejc Parah continues the use of this typeface in his event poster. However, he makes the more traditional san-serif typeface more playful by hiding behind other elements, thus adding to the diamentionality of the elements. It is rather interesting and almost makes me want to go back and play some more with my own Museum ID's event poster. almost.

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