Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Contemporary Reblog: Paint Software

Reblog of: https://www.dexigner.com/news/30013

I'm actually including this reblog because I really am interested in the software. I had been playing with watercolor brushes in my digital illustration class so of course this was fasinating to me. Basically, this post talks about a new program called Rebelle (or at least new in the sense that it is new to me). It is a digital painting program in its 2nd edition which visually looks like regular watercolor.

I think this blog connects to the class because everything design related is connected. Any form of art can used to create logos, posters and the like. Therefore it is extremely important to keep up to date with new and different techniques or programs so one remains cutting edge. I could easily use this program to soup up my homemade illustrative mock-ups. It would really take them to the next level visually especially for the food truck project where I used so many colors. Then again, perhaps not. Perhaps vectors are best for that specific graphic identity. But in any case I think it is a nice resource I will need to play with some time soon.

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