Thursday, May 4, 2017

Contemporary Reblog: JESSICA HISCHE’S POSTER

reblog of:

In my previous blog entry I talked about how I struggle with typgraography and admired a design group for their determination to not have a visual but merely depend on typography. I have the same admiration and respect for Jessica Hische. I believe we spoke briefly about her in class (either that or we talked about her in my digital illustration class). In any event, I think Jessica Hische is an amazing typographer and letterer.

Her type is amazing. We have said many times throughout this semester how typography is very important. It sets the tone and having a cohesive vision is very important for great design. Jessica Hische has that great design. The font is has so many playful spirals and the is rounded in such a way that it fits the the playful yet determined statement. I cannot stop looking at it because I keep discoing something new which draws me in (some little quick notch, a clever really is wonderfully designed).

This particular post sort of connects to our discussion on logo design because it exhibits the importance of type and how with the choice of typeface alone voices a powerful message (even forgetting the actual meaning of the words and their particular message). While this design is more of a motivational poster, I think the same basic spirit could be applied to many various designs to reflect that same message.

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