Thursday, May 4, 2017

Contemporary Reblog: Sorbet

reblog of :

As someone who considers himself an illustrator and as someone who loves color (I have been told I have a colorful personality) I don't have a major relationship with minimalism. I often find it bland and unattractive at times. However, I must admit sometimes there is a sense of sleekness.

This particular set of designs is by a New Zealand based multidiscipline design studio made up of Nicole Miller-Wong and Sheahan Huri known as Sorbet. The visuals are either very minor or nonexistent. However, there is something exciting about these. I can't say I am overly impressed by the designs (I want things to be eye catching) but I am impressed by the designer's courage. It shows a lot of courage and confidence in ones design skills to depend entirely on typography.

I personally struggle with typography. I am still learning the ways of layout and what fonts to use in what situations. So even though I am not overwhelmed by these designs I have a deep respect for these designers. And I hope one day to make something better than these mockups to impress someone else.

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